Testproduct Free Download

Shows settings for Download Plugin
Base price 0,00 €
Base price for variant 0,00 €
Variant price modifier:
Sales price 0,00 €
Tax amount


Lifetime subscription


Situation (You can set another Situation for your needs):

A file should be offered online. Price is 0$.
The file can be downloaded up to 100 times per Month.
The File is available 1 Year after the first download.

1. Create Customfield download

- Type: Plugin
- Published yes
- Cart attribut yes
- Select Plugin iStraxx product download

2. Create new Mediafile (Shop>Mediafiles)

- select for sale
- select upload
- choose file and upload

3. Create Product as common

- in tab product customfield select download
- choose from uploaded files
- enable in checkbox Free download
- set download restriction

For this example we use following settings:

Maximum speed in kb (1024 = 1MB php RAM)depends on your server bandwidth and ram usage
Maximum downloadsnumber of total downloads allowed
Maximum downloads per interval in daysmax 5 downloads per interval
Interval in daysinterval lenght
Maximum number of days for download after the first download  

 Please remember, Paypal is not connected here, so no automatic confirmation will be processed.

The Order has to be confirmed manually.




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