Testproduct Download

Shows settings for Download Plugin
Base price 140,77 €
Base price for variant 140,77 €
Variant price modifier:
Base price with tax
Salesprice with discount
Sales price 140,77 €
Tax amount


Lifetime subscription


Situation (You can set another Situation for your needs):

A file should be sold online. Price is 150$.
The file can be downloaded up to 100 times per Month.
The File is available 1 Year after the first download.

1. Create Customfield download

- Type: Plugin
- Published yes
- Cart attribut yes
- Select Plugin iStraxx product download

2. Create new Mediafile (Shop>Mediafiles)

- select for sale
- select upload
- choose file and upload

3. Create Product as common

- in tab product customfield select download
- choose from uploaded files
- set download restriction

For this example we use following settings:

Maximum speed in kb (1024 = 1MB php RAM)depends on your server bandwidth and ram usage
Maximum downloadsnumber of total downloads allowed
Maximum downloads per interval in daysmax 5 downloads per interval
Interval in daysinterval lenght
Maximum number of days for download after the first download  

 In case you want to offer multiple files pack them as one zip-file.



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